Tennis or Golfer’s elbow (epicondylitis) is a painful condition that occurs when tendons in the elbow are overloaded, usually by repetitive motions of the wrist and arm. Despite the name, athletes aren't the only people who develop these injuries. Regular people also succumb to these problems due to repetitive stress in their day to day activities. They occur primarily where the tendons of the forearm muscles attach to a bony bump on the outer or inner side of the elbow. Pain can also spread into your forearm and wrist.

Conservative treatment of these problems involves medications, rest, physiotherapy and forearm bands. If conservative treatments don't help or if symptoms are disabling, steroid injections were administered at the site of pain. It reduces inflammation but leads to the degeneration, attrition and tear of tendons at the site of the injection. In addition, we have very little evidence that elbow surgery helps, but it is invasive and has the risk of infection, tissue damage and nerve injury. Surgery involved release of the tendons to alleviate pain but they caused muscle weakness with increased rehab time.
At ReGen, we offer an alternative to elbow surgery. We offer an alternative non surgical biologic treatment where we use image guidance to inject concentrated stem cells or platelets from your body directly where they are needed. These cells then work in the site of your injury and repair damaged tissues and achieves positive outcomes for the patient. This innovative procedure restores elbow function and mobility and decreases pain without the need for surgery by regenerating damaged tissues. We help alleviate elbow pain and restore joint damage with a non-invasive injection procedure. The recuperation time is less than half that of surgery, with reduced rehab period and earlier return to work and activities. The biomechanics of the joint is not disturbed leading to excellent results and early ambulation.
You can call to address all your queries about PRP treatment and to fix an appointment.